Monday, September 28, 2020

how to do Configuration of sap MM


Assign Fields to Field Selection Groups:-

This configuration allows one to make some fields optional, hidden, or mandatory in the master record. Follow the steps given below to set this configuration.

Path to Assign Fields to Field Selection Groups

IMG ⇒ Logistic General ⇒ Material Master ⇒ Field Selection ⇒ Assign Fields to Field Selection Groups


Step 1 − On the Display IMG screen, select Assign Fields to Field Selection Groups by following the above path.

SAP Configuration field selection

Step 2 − Select the entry.

SAP  Configuration field selection entry

Step 3 − If you wants you can change the properties of the fields as hidden, display, required entry, or optional entry. Click on Save. Field Groups are now set with the desired field entries.

SAP Configuration field selection hidden

Maintain Field Selection for Data Screens:-

This configuration allows one to make some data screens in the master data as optional, hidden, or mandatory. Follow the steps given below to set this configuration.

Path to Maintain Field Selection for Data Screens

IMG ⇒ Logistic General ⇒ Material Master ⇒ Field Selection ⇒ Maintain Field Selection for Data Screens

TCode: OMS9

Step 1 − On the Display IMG screen, select Maintain Field Selection for Data Screens by following the above path.

SAP Configuration field selection data screen

Step 2 − Select the field selection group in which you want to make changes. Here you can make changes in the field reference as hidden, display, required entry, or optional entry. Click on Save. Field selection for data screens is now maintained.

SAP Configuration field selection data screen entry

Maintain Company Codes for Materials Management

This configuration allows one to maintain company codes with a period along with the fiscal year. Follow the steps given below to set this configuration.

Path to Maintain Company Codes for Materials Management

IMG ⇒ Logistic General ⇒ Material Master ⇒ Basic Settings ⇒ Maintain Company Codes for Materials Management


Step 1 − On the Display IMG screen, select Maintain Company Codes for Materials Management by following the above path.

SAP Company code

Step 2 − Provide details such as name, company code, along with the fiscal year and the period for that. Click on Save. Company code is now maintained for materials management.

SAP Company code entry

Define Attributes of System Messages

Sometimes the system does not allow us to save a document when its information is incomplete. In such cases, the system issues some messages to indicate the probable cause of error. These system messages can be set up by following the steps given below.

Path to Define Attributes of System Messages

IMG ⇒ Logistic General ⇒ Material Master ⇒ Basic Settings ⇒ Define Attributes of System Messages

TCode: OMT4

Step 1 − On the Display IMG screen, select Define Attributes of System Messages by following the above path.

SAP Configuration system messages

Step 2 − Here you can maintain type of message (warning or error), message number along with the description of message. Click on Save. System messages are now maintained.

SAP Configuration system messages entry

Define Number Ranges – Purchase Requisition

When we create a purchase requisition, every requisition is recognized by a unique number that is known as the purchase requisition number. We can define a number range manually, otherwise the system can automatically assign the same. Follow the steps given below to define a number range for purchase requisition.

Path to Define Number Ranges

IMG ⇒ Materials Management ⇒ Purchasing ⇒ Purchase Requisition ⇒ Define Number Ranges

TCode: OMH7

Step 1 − On the Display IMG screen, select Define Number Ranges by following the above path.

SAP Configuration number range pr

Step 2 − Select edit mode of Intervals tab.

SAP Configuration entry number range purchase requisition

Step 3 − Here you can maintain a number range accordingly. Then click on Save. Number range for purchase requisition is now maintained.

SAP Configuration entry number range purchase requisition details

Define Document Types - Purchase Requisition

Different types of documents are created for purchase requisition. Follow the steps given below to maintain document types for purchase requisition.

Path to Define Document Types

IMG ⇒ Materials Management ⇒ Purchasing ⇒ Purchase Requisition ⇒ Define Document Types

Step 1 − On the Display IMG screen, select Define Document Types by following the above path.

SAP Configuration document type pr

Step 2 − Click New Entries.

SAP Configuration document type pr new entry

Step 3 − Provide details such as the name of the document type with its description. Click on Save. Document types for purchase requisition are now defined.

SAP Configuration document type pr detail

Define Number Ranges – RFQ/Quotation

When we create RFQ/Quotation, every quotation is recognized by a unique number known as quotation number. We can define a number range manually, otherwise the system can automatically assign the same. Follow the steps given below to define a number range for RFQ/Quotation.

Path to Define Number Ranges

IMG ⇒ Materials Management ⇒ Purchasing ⇒ RFQ/Quotation ⇒ Define Number Ranges

TCode: OMH6

Step 1 − On the Display IMG screen, select Define Number Ranges by following the above path.

SAP Configuration number range rfq

Step 2 − Select edit mode of Intervals tab.

SAP Configuration number range rfq

Step 3 − Here you can maintain a number range accordingly. Then click on Save. Number range for RFQ/Quotation is now maintained.

SAP Configuration number range rfq detail

Define Document Types - RFQ/Quotation

Different types of documents are created for RFQ/Quotation. Follow the steps given below to maintain document types for RFQ/Quotation.

Path to Define Document Types

IMG ⇒ Materials Management ⇒ Purchasing ⇒ RFQ/Quotation ⇒ Define Document Types

Step 1 − On the Display IMG screen, select Define Document Types by following the above path.

SAP Configuration document type rfq

Step 2 − Click New Entries.

SAP Configuration document type rfq new

Step 3 − Provide details such as document type with its description. Click on Save. Document types for RFQ/Quotation are now defined.

SAP Configuration document type rfq detail

How to create the service entry sheet

Service Entry Sheet:-
The service entry sheet is used to record services as they are actually performed by the vendor or subcontractor. In the case of planned services, the services actually performed are recorded in the entry sheet with reference to the specifications already entered in the PO.

Path to Create Service Entry Sheet

Logistics ⇒ Materials Management ⇒ Service Entry Sheet ⇒ Maintain

TCode: ML81N

Step 1:-select the Maintain execute icon by following the above path or Execute the TCode given above.

Step 2:- After filling the given above details click on the flag icon and saved the document number will be generated.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

How to create service master data


Service:-Service purchase order are entered for services that are procured internally or externally. These are different from others purchase order. There is also a difference to create the process in making the purchase order. There are the different type of the document type and cost center.

Service management are following 3 types:−

  • 👉Service Master Record

  • 👉Service Purchase Order

  • 👉Service Entry Sheet

Service Master Record:-Service master record contains the details of all the services that can be procured from an external vendor within an organization. It contains the description of services along with their unit of measure. Service master record serves as a reference for creating service purchase order, but it is not necessary.

Path to Create Service Master Record:-Logistics ⇒ Materials Management ⇒ Service Master ⇒ Service ⇒ Service Master

TCode: AC03

Step 1:- Click on the create the new service and fill the mandatory field.

Service Purchase Order:-A service purchase order or a service order is a formal document from a buyer organization to a supplier to procure services provided by the supplier. Service orders provide a basic process to procure services that can have a planned or unplanned nature of work. In a service procurement workflow, a service order is created after a service requisition is fully approved.

Path to Create Purchase Order:-Logistics ⇒ Materials Management ⇒ Purchasing ⇒ Purchase Order ⇒ Create ⇒ Vendor/ Supplying Plant Known

TCode: ME21N

Service Category: D for service.

Step 1:- Execute the Tcode ME21N 

Step 2:- After filling the details given in the screenshot click the save button.

Step 3:- After saving that a document number will be generated.

How to Posting of Invoice

Posting of Invoice:-

The invoice received from a vendor is verified against cost, quantity, and quality by the ordering party, and then the invoice is posted against that purchase order.

This is the phase where the vendor (seller) is paid from the company and reconciliation of the invoice and PO is accomplished. Follow the steps given below to post an invoice.

Path to Post Invoice:-

Logistics ⇒ Materials Management ⇒ Logistic Invoice Verification ⇒ Document Entry ⇒ Enter Invoice


Blocked Invoice:-

Path to Release Blocked Invoice:-

Logistics ⇒ Materials Management ⇒ Logistic Invoice verification ⇒ Further Processing ⇒ Release Blocked Invoice


Step 1:- After executing the MRBR T-code select Release Blocked Invoices by following the 

above path.

Step 2:-Fill the details given as follow as company code, invoice document number, vendor, posting date, and purchasing group. Then click the execute button. The blocked invoice will be released.

Evaluated Receipt Settlement:-

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

How to create the Reservation in the SAP

Path to Create Reservation:-

Logistics ⇒ Materials Management ⇒ Inventory Management ⇒ Reservation ⇒ Create

TCode:- MB21

Step 1:- Execute the Tcode MB21 & entering the given below details.

Step 2:-After filling the above details click on the enter and new screen opened.

Step 3:- After  filling the details click on the save button.A document number will be generated.

How to reach the Moment type


Path to Reach Movement Type:-

Logistics ⇒ Materials Management ⇒ Inventory Management ⇒ Goods Movement ⇒ Goods Movement (MIGO)


Step 1:- Execute the Tcode "MIGO".

Step 2:Select GR Goods Receipt drop-down. You will get a lot of standard movement types and you can choose one according to your requirement.

Step 2:−After filling the full details post the document the document number display on the screen.

Friday, September 11, 2020

How to create all purchase order types step by step

Subcontracting Purchase Order:-

Subcontracting is one of the manufacturing strategy by which a company decides to outsource some or all of its production operations to a vendor. This process is considered better than a complete external procurement as there can be a tighter control on the product quality.

In a typical subcontracting process, a manufacturing company provides raw materials / components (say material A and B) to a subcontracting vendor. The vendor in turn processes these materials to turn them into an end product (say material C). This product (if not a finished product) is then used by the manufacturing company to carry out the rest of the operations to turn it into a finished product. To achieve this, a subcontracting purchase order for material C is created. Material A and B which constitute the Bill of Material (BOM) of material C are then delivered to the subcontracting vendor. You can enter the components manually or determine the components using BOM explosion.

TCode to create Purchase Order: ME21N

Subcontracting Item Category: (L)

Step 1:-Execute the t code Me21n. and click on the job work PO & select the L subcontracting in the I field.

Consignment Purchase Order:-

Follow the steps given below to create a consignment purchase order.

TCode to create Purchase Order: ME21N

Consignment Item Category: (K)

Step 1 :- Provide the TCode in the command field.In the I filed type K as a consignment.K is the customized we can manage it accordingly.

Step 2 :- It will take you to the purchase order screen.

Step 3 :-Provide all the necessary details such as the name of the vendor, item category, name of material, plant for which material is procured, and the date of delivery.

Step 4 :- Click on Save. Consignment Purchase order will be created.

Stock Transfer Purchase Order:- In stock transfer process goods are procured and supplied within a company. One plant orders the goods internally from another plant (receiving plant/issuing plant). The goods are procured with a special type of purchase order known as the stock transport order.

Follow the steps given below to create a stock transfer purchase order.

TCode to create Purchase Order: ME21N

Stock Transfer Item Category: (U)

Step 1:-Provide the TCode in the command field.

Step 2:-It will take you to the purchase order screen

Step 3:-Provide all the necessary details such as the name of the vendor, item category, name of material, plant for which material is procured, and the date of delivery.

Step 4:-Click on Save. lick on Save. Stock Transfer Purchase order will be created.

Service Purchase Order:-Service purchase order or a service order is a formal document from a buyer organization to a supplier to procure services provided by the supplier. Service orders provide a basic process to procure services that can have a planned or unplanned nature of work.

Service Item Category: (D)

Step 1:-Provide the TCode in the command field

Step 2:-It will take you to the purchase order screen

Step 3:-Provide all the necessary details such as the name of the vendor, item category, name of material, plant for which material is procured, and the date of delivery.

Step 4:-Click on Save. Service Purchase order will be created.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

How to create the purchase Order types

Purchase Order type :- Purchase orders can be created for different types of procurement.The type of procurement can be maintained in a field that is known as item category as shown below.

Procurement types for the purchase orders are given below:-

  • 👉Subcontracting Purchase Order
  • 👉Consignment Purchase Order
  • 👉Stock Transfer Purchase Order
  • 👉Service Purchase Order

Friday, September 4, 2020

Posting period in the SAP MM

 SAP Reports 39% Cloud Sales Surge In 2019, Continued Customer Migration To  S/4HANA

Posting period:-

A posting period allows one to post and make changes in the documents only in a specific time period. Sometimes you will get errors like “posting allowed only in this time period for a certain company Code.posting period is maintained and posting to that document is only allowed within that period. A posting period for a company can be defined using five fields given below.

  • 👉Maintain Fiscal Year Variant
  • 👉Assign Fiscal Year Variant to Company Code
  • 👉Define Variants for Open Posting Periods
  • 👉Assign Variant to Company Code
  • 👉Open and Close Posting Periods

1.Maintained Fiscal year Variant:-

Path to Maintain Fiscal Year Variant:-

Financial accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting Global Settings ⇒ Ledgers ⇒ Fiscal Year and Posting Periods ⇒ Maintain Fiscal Year Variant

TCode: OB29

Step 1:-select Maintain Fiscal Year Variant by following the above path.

Step 2:- Click on the new entry.

Step 3:- Enter the name of the fiscal year variant along with the description and number of posting. Click on Save. A new Fiscal Year Variant will be created.

2.Assign Company Code to Fiscal Year Variant:-

Path to Assign Company Code to Fiscal Year Variant

Financial accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting Global Settings ⇒ Ledgers ⇒ Fiscal Year and Posting Periods ⇒ Assign Company Code to Fiscal Year Variant

TCode: OB37

Step 1:- select Assign Company Code to Fiscal Year Variant by following the above path.

SAP posting period fiscal year assign to company

Step 2:-We can change the existing accordingly and click on save it Fiscal Year Variant is now assigned to company code.

3.Define Variants for Open Posting Periods:-

Path to Define Variants for Open Posting Periods

Financial accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting Global Settings ⇒ Ledgers ⇒ Fiscal Year and Posting Periods ⇒ Posting Periods ⇒ Define Variants for Open Posting Periods


Step 1:-Select Define Variants for Open Posting Periods by following the above path.

SAP posting period define variant

Step 2:-Click New Entries

Step 3:-After filling the given details click on the save button.

SAP posting period variant new entry details

4.Assign Variant to Company Code:-We have to follow the below path for this.

Path to Assign Variant to Company Code

Financial accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting Global Settings ⇒ Ledgers ⇒ Fiscal Year and Posting Periods ⇒ Posting Periods ⇒ Assign Variants to Company Code


Step 1:-Execute the given above t codWe can view the existing assignment and change it accordingly.Click on Save.Variant is now assigned to company code. 

Step 2:- After filling the details click on the save it.

5.Open and Close Posting Periods :- It allows you to post and make changes in the documents only in a specific time period.

Path to Open and Close Posting Periods

Financial accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting Global Settings ⇒ Ledgers ⇒ Fiscal Year and Posting Periods ⇒ Posting Periods ⇒ Open and Close Posting Periods

TCode: OB52

Step 1:-Select Open and Close Posting Periods by following the above path.

Step 2:- Click on new entry.

How to extend the material storage location in the mass

                      Path Extend the storage location in Mass in the SAP:-           Step 1:- Use Transaction code= MMSC_MASS  and execute....